If you’ve been with me for any amount of time, then you know I’m all about reading books and spreading and sharing knowledge. As a result, I often have in-depth conversations with friends and colleagues about what we’re reading. As you can guess, the topics we cover are broad.
Recently, I was talking with a friend who is reading a book called “ Making Sense of Who God is.” One chapter focuses on God’s will, defining His “revealed will” and His “secret will.” God’s revealed will is spelled out in the Bible: Don’t steal or murder. Be kind and courteous. Love your enemies. Don’t lie. Be grateful. Sell lots of new homes. Ok. That last one was my take on Matthew 19:21: “Go and sell what you have…”
God’s secret will is not quite as easy to pinpoint. Should you switch jobs, marry this person, have a child, move, buy a new car, borrow for a home addition, etc? How can you even know the secret will of God?
The answer, according to the author, is to get to know the character of God. The more time you spend with Him in Bible study and in prayer, the more you get to know His character and, consequently, His secret will for you.
I mention this because it’s the same principle in relationships. Take a husband and wife, for instance. The wife comes home tired from working all day and has to cook dinner, help the kids with their homework, clean house, etc. The husband is sitting in the living room reading the newspaper and watching TV. She thinks, “Boy, I wish he would get up out of his La-Z-Boy and help me. I know if I ask him to, he will; but I expect him to see that I’m tired and I need him to pitch in because he wants to … not because he has to.”
As it plays out in real life, if she does not reveal her “secret will,” her husband — who is basically clueless — doesn’t respond. Because he does not see her need and meet her expectations, she becomes hurt and angry.
Nice lesson, but what does any of this have to do with new home sales? Well, I’ve given you this lengthy explanation to set the foundation for this statement: Every potential buyer you meet has a secret will and a revealed will. They may tell you some of the things they want in a home and neighborhood; but to know what they really want, you must spend time with them. Observe. Diagnose. Get to know them. Study their character. Learn how they think. Then you will understand how to respond to their needs, their home-buying objections, their desires and the “secret will” they have as a homebuyer. You will also know when to quit selling, either because they’re ready to buy or because they don’t want to buy.
Why is this important? Because the majority of new home salespeople are content to sit on their La-Z-Boys. They don’t make the effort to get up, get out and get to know the homebuyer. If you do, you’ll elevate your sales from second-rate to superstar status. And that’s my revealed will for you.