If you are listening to the vocal majority, you believe that it’s just about impossible to make a sale. No one is buying. The economy is strangling the life out of real estate sales. Oh woe is me.
I’ve got a solution to the problem. Stop listening. These people have given up. Have you? If not, you’re looking at a terrific opportunity.
Your competition is throwing in the towel, making minimal efforts because they believe there is no hope. If all around you have conceded, then the competition has dwindled and you can own the marketplace! Do the math. Less competition = increased sales potential. They call this a "buyer’s market" so get out there and SELL!
All it takes is a little attitude adjustment. Sellers complain about the bottom falling out of home prices. Switch this and pitch that as an advantage to buyers: "Home prices and interest rates are at an all-time low. How can you afford NOT to buy right now?" Are they willing to gamble that this pot of gold is going to get richer? If they do, it’s because you haven’t presented an adequate sales pitch. It’s not the buyer who is bailing, it’s you! Don’t fall prey to the nay-saying masses. Shift your perspective to the positive. Optimistic energy is contagious. You’re sure to infect your buyers with this heightened value statement.
You have a buyer’s market, an exceptional inventory to choose from, and the power of positive thinking. Opportunity isn’t just knocking. It’s kicking down the door!
Keep Selling,