In a negotiation, both sides are trying to get something they want. It might be something they want very much—like a new home—which means that emotions can rise up and get in the way of rational discussion.
When you allow emotions into the room during a negotiation, you’re letting control slip out. Nothing gets accomplished when people are agitated, frustrated, or downright angry—and that refers to you as well as your customer. It is normal during a negotiation process for people to make demands. They might kick it up a notch and toss down ultimatums like a royal flush on a poker table. You might not agree with their perception and you might even feel offended, but you have to remind yourself that it’s merely that—perception. Not reality.
Your job as a new home salesperson is to control the negotiation process. Use your skills to understand what your buyer is seeking to gain and be prepared to counter with your planned responses. But don’t let your emotions enter the discussion or you risk igniting a defensive response from your buyer—such as anger, frustration, doubt, distrust, or skepticism.
When you feel negative emotion welling up inside you and you’re struggling to maintain your calm exterior, excuse yourself from the discussion. Get some air. Take a few moments to remind yourself that you are a seasoned professional who is not going to allow yourself to cave in to an emotional outburst and risk a potential sale.
Hockey great Bobby Hull once said, “Always keep your composure. You can’t score from the penalty box.” So, if you want to be a champion negotiator, put those emotions on ice.