Time to move a mountain

There’s a Chinese proverb that goes, “Moving a mountain begins by lifting one stone.” The same rule applies in reaching a goal.

If each step were a stone, here is how you’d move your mountain. While the same system applies to any task, in this example, the issue is “how to follow through when asking for referrals.”

First stone: Set goal. “I will acquire six referrals this month.”

Second stone: State your intention. “I will accomplish this by initially calling the top 20% of my buyers.”

Third stone: Identify and write down all the actions you must take to accomplish this.

“I will: (1) Sort through my database. (2) Skim through signed contracts for names and contact information of buyers. (3) Call or visit buyers. (4) Describe the types of clients who are attracted to the new home community I represent. This will help jog the memories of my buyers so they might think: ‘Oh, I know someone perfect for you. They’re trying to downsize’ … or … ‘I have friends who are looking for a home in a better school district’ … or … ‘This young couple at church are expecting their first child and need a larger home.’ (5) Send a thank-you note afterward. If the referral results in a sale or if someone gives me multiple referrals, I will reward them with a gift card or basket.”

Fourth stone: Systemically complete each action.

Fifth stone: Examine the results.

Sixth stone: Decipher the results. “What do they mean? What did I learn?”

Seventh stone: Evaluate the outcome. “Is it what I expected? What changes do I need to make? What further action is necessary?”

And there you have it – a stone-by-stone guide for moving a mountain. Follow it and bridge the gap between your aspirations and your achievements.

Now get cracking!
Myers Barnes

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