Power Past The Fear of Sales Rejection

Here’s a quick quiz. Which of the following strikes the greatest fear in the heart of a new home sales professional?

  1. The shower scene from “Psycho”.
  2. The news that the mother-in-law is moving in with her nasty little dog.
  3. Asking for the sale.

Well, truth is, we pretty much know that Janet Leigh is not going to survive her shower in “Psycho”. Secondly, having the mother-in-law living under your roof, even with a nippy, barking dog under foot, can be an incentive to sell more. You can use your job as a valid reason for steering clear of the pair.

The correct answer, from my experience, is C. I’m surprised that so-called “sales professionals” quiver at the thought of asking for the sale. Isn’t that what all the effort is leading up to?

If you expect to succeed in new home sales, you need to overcome the fear of sales rejection. It will happen. Not every prospect will fall hopelessly in love with your product or find your sales presentation irresistible. Accept this reality.Sales Rejection

Then, ask yourself, “What do I really fear?” I would think that fear of poverty would be stronger than the fear of sales rejection. When you fail to ask your homebuyer to buy the home, your effort will not culminate in a sale. No sale, no commission.

When the time is right, ask your homebuyer, “Are you ready to buy this house?”

You will get one of three answers: Yes, No, or Not Yet.

“Yes” is the one you want. “No” and “Not Yet” simply mean you haven’t yet convinced your buyer of the property’s inherent value. So, your job isn’t done yet. What’s so scary about that?

In new home sales, rejection is inevitable. Rather than fear it, learn from the rejection, and you grow as a sales professional—as long as you apply the lesson. I don’t see rejection as a failure, but as an opportunity to sharpen selling skills. Of course, if you’re being presented with a disproportionate number of these “lessons”, then you’d better explore more sales training…or another career.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”

When you confront your fears and beat them down, you discover that fear exists only when you allow it to live in you. Don’t be such a good host.

Myers Barnes is America’s favorite new home sales trainer, author, speaker and consultant.  For more information, please visit www.myersbarnes.com.

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