Planning Isn’t Everything… It’s the ONLY thing!

The purpose of the launch is to generate pre-sales, a process normally carried out before a home, and in some cases a neighborhood, is actually built. It requires lots of planning.

When will you be ready to launch? Follow this calendar for your time-sensitive tasks building up to the launch.

52 Weeks Prior To LAUNCH

  • Groom Your Property
  • Develop A Budget
  • Meet With Non-Building Related Partners
  • Hire A Photographer And Videographer

From 52 weeks to 12 weeks prior to the launch, you are planning, working, fine-tuning your strategy, and prepping to sell. Never allow a lapse in your process.

12 Weeks Prior To LAUNCH

  • Look At Physical Obstacles
  • Finalize The Plans, Plats, And Appropriate Governmental Approvals

4 Weeks Prior To LAUNCH

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  • Install Signage
  • Furnish, Photograph, And Videotape The Models
  • Add The Finishing Exterior Touches

Bottom Line: The visual component is critical to drawing attention to your community, so follow a planned schedule to ensure your presentation stays on track.

To learn more about setting up a Pre-Sale Launch, download the FREE Proven Pre-Sales E-book!

Are you attending the International Builder’s Show? Let Myers Barnes & Mollie Elkman walk you through the proven formula that will help your sales team successfully execute the pre-sales process in their speaker event, “Proven Pre-Sales: How To Sell A Community Before The Walls Are Up!”

Myers Barnes is America’s favorite new home sales trainer, author, speaker and consultant.  For more information, please visit


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