Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert who achieved notoriety with his COVID-19 insights, says we are in a period of physical separation—what we’ve commonly come to know as “social distancing”. Is there a difference between these terms? They both refer to broadening the space between people, but choosing social distancing or physical separation could make a difference in your all-important mindset during these challenging times.
“Social distancing” is an oxymoron—like bittersweet, crash landing, definite possibility, growing smaller, minor miracle, pretty ugly, and loud whisper. “Social” connotes interaction between people, like socializing. Social media refers to interacting with people on an online platform. So, if social implies bringing people together, then “social distancing” is a terribly good example of oxymoronic language.
Social distancing makes no sense, psychologically. We are social animals. We run in packs. Just watch women in a club who head for the bathroom together. Or kids at the playground who gravitate toward others who are similar in size. Club members. The cool kids. The outcasts. The soccer moms. A team’s fan base.
And now we’re unable to come within six feet of our peers. That’s painful—except for those introverts who are naturally suited to distancing.
Flip your mindset and your conversation to “physical separation” instead of “social distancing”. Now, we have an accurate vision. We can see and talk to people, closing the gap that isolates us from our all-important connections.
Don’t allow yourself to feel isolated by social distancing. Instead, acknowledge this phase for what it is. You’re only separated by distance. And for those of you who use FaceTime, social media, and other forms of digital communication, you can stay “close” to the people who matter.
New homes sales professionals can do virtual appointments and tours. You can use Zoom and Livestream to bring groups together. Record and share videos to make your social posts and emails more personal.
Right now, I’m seeing new sales people moving forward with their clients. The people who had stepped into the sales funnel before social distancing requirements are still ready to buy a home during the COVID-19 pandemic. They just need someone to coach them along, keep them engaged, provide empathy, and instill confidence. They need to be guided through this “new normal” of communication. Send them a video update, call or email regularly. Remind your buyer that physical separation does not impede their desire to buy a new home.
Use this time to bring your technology game to a new level. Explore the apps and platforms that make it easy to reach out to everyone in your circle.
When this health crisis is over—and it will end—people will scramble to buy a new home. Market watchers expect the last quarter of 2020 and the first one of 2021 to be record-setting sales periods. Inventory is already in short supply, so it will become a highly competitive market. By assuring your buyers to proceed now, they can avoid the hassle that will come from waiting.
The COVID-19 virus is scary. But it doesn’t have to paralyze us. Keep socializing at a distance. This is a moment in your life, a blip on your radar. Years from now, you will recall where you were and how you lived through the pandemic—like where you were on 9/11, or the day Princess Diana, John Kennedy, John Lennon, or Martin Luther King died, or when the Challenger exploded. These are bookmarks in our lives but they don’t define us. What truly marks our lives is how we cope and rebound.
Need more ideas? Reach out to me and let’s talk!