Nix the naysayers. Their toxicity can be terminal!

Four blank white speech bubblesYou know some of those people. No matter what you say, they reply with a negative comment.

You say it looks like a nice day. They tell you to expect foul weather.

You talk about the opportunities that lay ahead. They focus on the obstacles. They’ll tell you “it can’t be done.”

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

People who always steer toward the negative side are destined to remain unfulfilled. Maybe they tell you that this pessimism is based on experience, but I believe they are the drivers of their success or failure. Those people who thrive are the ones who nix the naysayers. They have more faith in what’s possible than what others tell them is beyond that realm.

Every invention we enjoy today resulted from someone trying harder and believing in possibility. Thomas Edison tried 10,000 ways to invent electricity. Some might say he failed. He viewed it as the path to his success. “I have not failed,” he said. “I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

If you want to succeed in life and work, focus on what you can do, what you positivitycan change, and what you want to achieve. It doesn’t matter what others tell you. Determination and positivity will take you much farther than even your skill. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team because his coach thought he wasn’t good enough. He didn’t let that negative belief stop him. He worked harder, practiced relentlessly. And he became one of the best professional basketball players of all time.

Walt Disney was fired from his first job as a newspaper cartoonist. His editor thought he had no creative ideas.

Avoid negative thinkers. They’re toxic to your success. Don’t let their poison seep into your belief in yourself.

We are the sum of our choices and the reflection of our beliefs. Choose well. Believe in yourself. Success will be your reward.

Myers Barnes is America’s favorite new home sales trainer, author, speaker and consultant. For more information, please visit

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